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What to do BEFORE you list your home

Thinking of selling your home this coming spring? There are some easy things to do that will eliminate buyers objections. For example, is your toiled bolted down tight and sealed? This is typically something that will come up in a buyers home inspection and it is just a little thing, but those little things can add up in a buyer's head. Have you considered a pre-listing inspection? If not you might want to, and now is the time to do it. My preferred home inspectors and handymen are available this fall and winter if you need them. Invest now to save your home sale this spring. Also, now is a good time to look at the "stuff" you own and decide what you want to Keep, Give Away, and Toss and get working on those three list. The spring will be here sooner then you think. Call me today and set up a time where I can come over to help.

What to do BEFORE you list your home
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